Community Information
2024-2025 Tuition & Registration Rates
All tuition and registration fees listed are per student. Certain age restrictions may apply. Please contact one of our directors if you are a new family wishing to register.
Explorations Program (PreK4-6th grade)
- Tuition (full year): $385
- Registration fee: $50
- Supply fee: $80
- Facility Fee: $60 (50% due in Nov; 50% due in April)
Any children 4 or older by June 1st must be enrolled in the Explorations program if they are going to be on campus.
Fundamentals Program (3rd – 6th grade)
- Tuition (full year): $340
- Registration fee: $50
- Supply fee: $30
- Facility fee: $60 (50% due in Nov; 50% due in April)
In order to participate in the Fundamentals program, a child must be eight years old by October 1.
Connections Program (7th-12th grade)
- Tuition (full year): $1080
- Registration fee: $120
- Supply fee: $80
- Facility fee: $60 (50% due in Nov; 50% due in April)
Connections tuition may be paid in two installments: 50% in August and 50% in January.
The Connections program adheres to the following age/grade guidelines:
Minimum Age by 10/1 Grade
12 7th
13 8th
14 9th
15 10th
16 11th
17 12th
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Other Dates & Notes:
- Connections Orientation: August 5
- Explorations & Fundamentals Orientation: August 9
- Explorations and Fundamentals run for a total of 28 weeks (14 per semester)
- Connections runs for a total of 32 weeks (16 per semester)
- Connections students will have work to complete during winter break.
- Seniors have an amended end of year schedule due to graduation & senior thesis events. Details provided at orientation.